February 3, 2015 - Today accepting appointment to the position of ARES Emergency Coordinator (EC) of greater San Lorenzo Valley area (including Scotts Valley) is Sam Sjogren, WB6RJH. January 7, 2014 - Today accepting appointment to the position of ARES Emergency Coordinator (EC) of greater Loma Prieta/Summit area is Gary Watson K6PDL. This EC position had been vacant since George Smith AE6KE stepped down. Thanks to Gary and to George. -ke6afe February 23, 2011 - Today accepting appointment to the position of ARES Emergency Coordinator (EC) of greater San Lorenzo Valley area is Donald Kerns AE6RF. Since 2004, our SLVARES EC had been Ray Rischpater KF6GPE. Thanks to Donald and to Ray and to all of you. -ke6afe June 16, 2010 - The Mayor of Santa Cruz has issued a Proclamation naming June 21-27, 2010 as Amateur Radio Week and calling on residents to support ARRL Field Day and to recognize the tremendous contributions that amateur radio operators have made to the community. February 2, 2009 - Emergency Coordinator (EC) Jerry Inman AE6I already has had success working hands-on with his "greater Santa Cruz area" served agencies and local communities to improve communications preparedness. Thanks Jerry! August 9, 2008 - Beginning ham radio licensing exam study meetings have been held (7/25, 8/8) and more are scheduled (8/22, 9/5, 9/12, 9/19, /9/26) Fridays at Felton volunteer firehouse, 7 pm to 9 pm. Drop-ins welcome. Get your ham license! March 7, 2008 - ARES Events in 2008 Special Events Calendar updated again Check-in! February 11, 2008 - Website restored We're back. Please advise your EC of any changes or updates you'd like to see here. September 2, 2007 - Radio Net Schedule changes. Our weekly radio nets are now operating on a revised schedule. Check today's net times. March 11, 2007 - Free Training online, Intro to Disaster Services. To see the Red Cross 71 min. web-based video, click Introduction to Disaster Services. March 4, 2007 - All Morse Code exam requirements dropped by FCC. Also, amateur frequency allocations adjusted. Aug 4, 2006 - Emergency Services Training, American Red Cross May 7, 2006 - FREE certificates! Are you certificated yet? April 15, 2006 - ARES TRAINING SEASON Classroom Training Classes completed! November 16, 2005: Session 1: "What You Need to Know Before You Go." SET Press October 24, 2005 - Our 2005 SET Press Release was picked up by reporter J.D. Hilliard of the Watsonville Register-Pajaronian newspaper and his "Radio operators practice for potential disaster" article about us was printed in the newspaper today. ARES TRAINING SESSION 6, Field Exercise Critique and awarding of "Certificates of Completion". Date & Time: Thursday, April 6th, 7:30- 9:00 PM Location: Zayante Fire House, 7700 East Zayante Road. Bring your Reference Binders, there will be more handouts. TRAINING Field Exercise, Shelter Activation Shelter Activation Drill of the Santa Cruz County Chapter of the American Red Cross (SCCARC) at the Chapter Office HDQ and at the Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds (Shelter) in Watsonville on Saturday morning March 18, starting at 9:00 a.m. ARES TRAINING SESSION 5, Field Exercise In past Training Sessions we have learned: Now it is time to put this all together in a live Field Exercise. This exercise is an opportunity for those taking the ARES Training Sessions to put into practice what we have learned. The purpose of the exercise is: REMEMBER: There will be a "Certificate of Completion" awarded to all persons completing the training sessions. Thank you & 73. February 16, 2006: Session 4: "ICS, SEMS, NIMS, Etc., Where Do We Fit In?" Jeff Terpstra KG6OFI, Battalion Chief, Aptos Fire Dept. January 19, 2006: Session 3: "Resource Net Protocols and Procedures." Training at Zayante FPD Fire House, December 8 December 2, 2005 - Our instructor Rich KI6EH says, Classroom Training Classes, Hands On! November 25, 2005 - Review of our recent exercises, including SET and November's EMSA drill, confirms we need more practice and training. We're pleased Rich KI6EH has agreed to help us gain updated organized training. The first class of a series was held November 16 in Felton, and all 31 attendees agreed it was excellent. The next classes are all on Thursday evenings; December 8, January 12, February 16, March 9, and April 6. Be there if you can. Watch your ares reflector email for venue and other specific details. Practice on a Thursday morning, November 17th? November 6, 2005 - The 7th Annual Statewide Disaster Exercise for California hospitals, health care providers and government agencies will be operated on November 17th from 8:00 a.m. to about 11:00 a.m. For details and a link to the exercise plan, see our ARES Events Calendar listing. If you can participate with us, please notify Cap KE6AFE to be added to the list. We intend to staff and assist with communications from 6 facilities including hospitals, the County EOC, and others. SET on Saturday, October 22 September 28, 2005 - The 2005 Simulated Emergency Test will be held on October 22 in Santa Cruz County and Monterey County and Santa Clara County will drill then too. Hams help enjoy Fireworks September 28, 2005 - 11th Annual Fireworks Extravaganza on October 8th at Seacliff State Beach from 1:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M.. For details, See Events Calendar listing. New ARES ID Cards ready for pickup March 18, 2005 - The long awaited new Santa Cruz County ARES ID cards are now available. If Cap KE6AFE took your photograph, your card is ready. No new DSW cards available from County yet though, so we're still waiting for those. ARES packet radio BBS back in service March 17, 2005 - The Santa Cruz County ARES packet radio full-service Bulletin Board, KI6EH BBS on 145.070 MHz, has been repaired and is back in service and available on the air. Jeff AE6KS repaired the BBS computer by (among other things) cloning the old failing hard drives onto "new" drives donated by Chris KG6DOZ. Give it a Connect! Routine practice will be good for us. The Monterey Bay packet BBS system can be a good way to pass written traffic, even during an emergency. And while your packet radio is working, don't forget to practice Connecting to our new local Telpac Node stations too! Santa Cruz County OES COM2 now in service March 4, 2005 -- The Sheriff's old 1969 Chevy Step-Van is now updated and has returned to service as Santa Cruz County OES (ARES/ACS/RACES) Emergency Communications Unit 2 (COM2). More volunteer work is certainly needed. If you look closely, you'll see the _HF_ radios aren't even connected to antennas yet. But the painting and engine repair work is done, she's roadworthy, and she's running (and starting) fine now. With two government radios for the emergency public service agencies installed and working, and several VHF-UHF amateur radios, we're finally available for service activation. For coordination, routine uses of COM2 will require specific use requests well in advance. Emergency activation (dispatch) will be coordinated through County OES. Thirteen of our local ARES members are already pre-designated as potential COM2 drivers, if called. Today's photos are here.Let me know if you're particularly interested in investing time and energy into more COM2 setup and maintenance, and we'll find enough work for you. Thanks. -- Cap KE6AFE, DEC (and van team lead) CERT training calendar announced Feb. 8, 2005 -- A new resource has been started to complement coordination of CERT activity and training in our county. The Santa Cruz County Operational Area CERT Council has now started a santacruzcountycert.org website that will attempt to keep current a list of CERT happenings and training opportunities. Are you trained yet? CERT frequencies announced Nov. 11, 2004- A list of suggested Santa Cruz County Operational Area CERT frequencies has been prepared by DEC Cap KE6AFE. Cap hopes the frequency list, complementing an article by Jim Piper N6MED, will be useful to those developing communication plans for CERT teams in our County. SET press release Oct. 22, 2004 - A press release on the Santa Cruz County SET has been sent to Santa Cruz County media. SET (Simulated Emergency Test), Saturday, October 23 Oct. 2, 2004 - We hope to have a good turnout for some fun with our SET this year. Please put that day on your calendar now. We haven't had a SET in our county in a couple years, but this year we'll be having ours on the same day as the surrounding counties of Monterey, Santa Clara, and San Benito.
One objective we'll work on is testing inter-county communications, and we hope to even do a bit of NTS. We'll activate amateur radio communications in several of our served agency locations and pass messages for them, just like the real thing. To begin preparing for the emergency now, please read 2004 Simulated Emergency Test. -Cap KE6AFE, DEC CERT instructor grads Thanks to Jim N6MED, JV K6HJU, and Donald AE6RF who completed and graduated Free CERT Instruction offered Aug. 27, 2004 -- The Santa Cruz County CERT Council will direct a free 3-day class on CERT Instructor Training for all members of fire, police, medical services, or other local community representatives interested in becoming CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) instructors on Sept. 11th, 18th & 25th in Santa Cruz (831-685-6690)--more Web-based ARES registration form now available Aug. 24 - Cap, KE6AFE, announced today a Web-based ARES registration form to provide Santa Cruz County ECs and DEC with information about amateur radio Operators willing to volunteer their communications support during emergencies or for community service. "We're asking all Santa Cruz County ARES volunteers to fill out this registration form asap so we have up-to-date roster information for each individual," said Cap. "This information will be shared with ARES members only as needed for member callout purposes." When you submit the form, you'll get a review screen to check your entries for accuracy. To update it in the future, please contact your EC. 911 Commission report recommends ICS for emergency-response agencies July 23, 2004 - The Report Of The Joint Inquiry Into The Terrorist Attacks Of September 11, 2001 (page 397) recommends that emergency-response agencies nationwide should adopt the Incident Command System (ICS). "When multiple agencies or multiple jurisdictions are involved, they should adopt a unified command. Both are proven frameworks for emergency response. We strongly support the decision that federal homeland security funding will be contingent, as of October 1, 2004, upon the adoption and regular use of ICS and unified command procedures. In the future, the Department of Homeland Security should consider making funding contingent on aggressive and realistic training in accordance with ICS and unified command procedures. "The attacks of September 11, 2001 overwhelmed the response capacity of most of the local jurisdictions where the hijacked airliners crashed. While many jurisdictions have established mutual aid compacts, a serious obstacle to multijurisdictional response has been the lack of indemnification for mutual-aid responders in areas such as the National Capital Region. Public safety organizations, chief administrative officers, state emergency management agencies, and the Department of Homeland Security should develop a regional focus within the emergency responder community and promote multi-jurisdictional mutual assistance compacts. Where such compacts already exist, training in accordance with their terms should be required. Congress should pass legislation to remedy the long-standing indemnification and liability impediments to the provision of public safety mutual aid in the National Capital Region and where applicable throughout the nation. The inability to communicate was a critical element at the World Trade Center, Pentagon, and Somerset County, Pennsylvania, crash sites, where multiple agencies and multiple jurisdictions responded. The occurrence of this problem at three very different sites is strong evidence that compatible and adequate communications among public safety organizations at the local, state, and federal levels remains an important problem." The report recommended that "Congress should support pending legislation which provides for the expedited and increased assignment of radio spectrum for public safety purposes. Furthermore, high-risk urban areas such as New York City and Washington, D.C., should establish signal corps units to ensure communications connectivity between and among civilian authorities, local first responders, and the National Guard. Federal funding of such units should be given high priority by Congress." ARES van gets upgrade, plays key role at Aptos 4th of July event July 14, 2004 -- "We'll be taking the Santa Cruz County Office of Emergency Services 1969 Chevy Step-Van (GSD 040) out-of-service to begin interior upgrade work this week," said SCCARES DEC Cap Pennell KE6AFE.... Read full story 9-1-1 briefing by ECC July 7, 2004 - Rosanna McKinney, Training Supervisor for the Santa Cruz County Emergency Communications Center, will present a mini version of the Citizens Academy for 9-1-1 course (for prospective 9-1-1 dispatchers) at the San Lorenzo Valley ARC July 9 meeting at 8 p.m. (meeting starts at 7:30 pm). We will learn how calls are taken by dispatchers and how they work with law enforcement, fire, and EMS. And you'll hear actual 9-1-1 emergency calls. This briefing should be especially helpful in familiarizing ARES operators with this key served agency. 9-11 hearing replay on C-SPAN Suuday May 22, 2004 - On Sunday May 23, C-SPAN will replay the four most recent sessions from the September 11 Commission Hearing. These sessions cover emcomm problems. The first session (10 a.m. ET) includes dramatic (and disturbing) video footage showing breakdown of radio communications and the incident command structure. Suggestion: record these for future emcomm training. Testimony on Emergency Response from 9-11 hearing posted May 19, 2004 - Testimony and statements from The Eleventh public hearing of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, May 18-19, focusing on Emergency Response, are now available. They include extensive comments on emcomm issues. Fly-in Air Show to provide public service comm training May 17, 2004 - Bob Wiser K6RMW, EC, Southern Santa Cruz County ARES, is looking for sign-ups for two events next week in Southern Santa Cruz County: the Tour de Cure Bike Ride, Sunday, May 23 and the Watsonville Fly-in and Air Show, Friday-Sunday, Memorial Day Weekend (May 28-30), both listed on the SSCCARES web page. "Please follow the sign-up information and send me an email," says Bob. "We will also have a first this year at the Fly-in. We are going to have a introductory Show-and-tell session for any new hams that have never worked any public service events before. If you are interested in this, let us know and we will sign you up for the 'walk and talk,' which will be on the field during the event for about one hour. You will get to see a part of the actual event and see what it is like first hand to be working in a public event." Hams provide communications for Strawberry Fields bike ride May 16, 2004 - Fifteen radio amateurs polished their emcomm skills while providing commmunications for the 25 mile, 100 kilometer, and 100 mile rides at the Strawberry Fields Forever event on May 16th.
San Andreas fault warning issued by geophysicist Apr. 15, 2004 - A US geophysicist has set the scientific world ablaze by claiming to have cracked a holy grail: accurate earthquake prediction, and warning that a big one will hit southern California by Sept 5. The UCLA team -- made up of US, Japanese, Canadian, European and Russian experts in pattern recognition, geodynamics, seismology, chaos theory, statistical physics and public safety -- says it has developed algorithms to detect earthquake patterns and has already successfully predicted two major quakes. Another expert says the San Andreas fault is about to enter a new and violent period of shaking. (SpaceDaily) Rischpater named new San Lorenzo Valley EC
Based in Boulder Creek, Ray has been the AEC for Training in the SLV ARES for the last six years. He currently heads a group of Qualcomm BREW engineers designing the future of multimedia cell-phone services at Rocket Mobile in Los Gatos. He holds a bachelor's degree in Pure Mathematics from UC Santa Cruz. A prolific author, he has written seven books covering wireless Web, handheld computing, and programming; and numerous articles, including "ARES and the Internet," CQ VHF, Dec. 1998. Mississippi ARES Amateurs Respond Following Amtrak Accident Apr. 9, 2004 (ARRL Letter) - Mississippi ARES members responded Tuesday, April 6, after an Amtrak passenger train bound from New Orleans to Chicago derailed. One person died and dozens were injured. ARES members supported Red Cross relief operations, passing vital messages relating to logistics and essential on-the-scene information via HF and four repeaters. RACES also supported the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency, prepared to service NTS traffic and disaster wellness inquiries. Amateurs were also on SKYWARN alert for severe weather at the request of the National Weather Service. Big Sur International Marathon needs ham operators
ARES van back in service Apr. 5, 2004 - The ARES van is now back in service, Cap KE6AFE, DEC, announced. The County maintenance garage performed routine service and put on a new exhaust system, a new master cylinder, adjusted all the brakes and bled the lines, changed the engine oil and filter and air filter, etc. "And they washed the whole Van for us!" he said. "Very nice! We plan to add some new radio gear, so it may be indisposed for periods while that gear is installed. If you're interested in being listed as a driver of the Van, please let me know. It only requires a regular Class C driver's license. The biggest difference is it's much taller than a car." Santa Cruz County ARES site moves to its own 'official' domain Mar. 29, 2004 - Santa Cruz County operational area ARES activities now have a new website address and domain name of their own: ares.santa-cruz.ca.us, Cap Pennell KE6AFE, DEC, announced today. "We hope this is an easy name to remember," he said. "It's nice to have our own official domain name too, without having to tag along on anybody else's, as we had been doing. The hope is that with continuing feedback from everybody, and eventually linking other local stuff here too (like the SLVARES web stuff, etc.), the new domain will evolve into a more useful adjunct for volunteer emergency communicators throughout our county." Cap Pennell KE6AFE named Santa Cruz County DEC
Cap retired in 2002 from the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CDF) with 32 years of service, most recently as CDF handcrew Fire Captain for 17+ years at Ben Lomond Camp including yearly Strike Team Leader assignments from 1987 to 2002. First licensed in 1993, he holds a General class license and has been an officer of the Santa Cruz County Amateur Radio Club continuously since 1995. His primary amateur radio activity is APRS; his amateur radio weather reports are continually updated. NIMS now mandatory nationwide official Emergency Management System Mar. 1, 2004 - Department of Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge has approved the National Incident Management System (PDF, 152 pages, 7.6MB), the nations first standardized incident management plan for federal, state and local lines of government to respond to all types of emergencies. It will be mandatory by 2005 for any state of local entity requesting federal aid. Santa Cruz County-wide ARES Meetings announced Feb. 21, 2004 - Santa Cruz County-wide ARES Meetings will now be held at 7:30 PM on the fourth Thursday of each even-numbered Month in 2004 -- February, April, June, August, October, and December -- focusing on plans and procedures. They will be held at the Santa Cruz County Chapter of the American Red Cross, 2960 Soquel Avenue, (831) 462-2881. "We hope to have participation from interested amateurs," said Cap KE6AFE."Trudy Maxwell KC6NAX will direct our training at the meeting this Thursday February 26 at 7:30 PM. (Thursday should be the day after the stronger storm that NWS now forecasts to move across our area Tuesday night into Wednesday.) We'll be sharing some news and making some net protocol decisions at the meeting." EMCOMMWEST 2004 announced Feb. 18, 2004 -- EMCOMMWEST 2004 in Reno May 22-23 will focus on emergency communications in the 21st century, according to Don Carlson KQ6FM, ARES District Emergency Coordinator for Northern Nevada. It is sponsored by the ARRL Nevada Section and combined with the Reno Spring Ham Swap Meet. ARRL Santa Clara Valley Section News Jan. 26, 2004 -- ARRL Section Manager Glenn Thomas WB6W has launched an informative and comprehensive new Web page for the ARRL Santa Clara Valley Section (SCV) with section news, NTS traffic reports, events calendar, section nets, license classes, clubs, and ARES/RACES/ACS exercises. Geomagnetic storm hits Earth Jan. 23, 2004 -- ARRL: A strong solar wind from another coronal mass ejection hit earth at 0130 UTC on January 22 causing a strong geomagnetic storm... More ... EDIE: POWER blackouts in the US likely to happen again. In 1989, the Quebec power grid was shut down within 90 seconds of one major geomagnetic storm... More Santa Cruz County ARES net announced Jan. 12, 2004 -- The Santa Cruz County ARES DEC and ECs have agreed to establish a county-wide ARES net on Wednesday evenings starting at 7:15 pm, according to Cap KE6AFE. The net will start on the K6BJ/KI6EH & W6WLS repeaters (linked, if available). The fallback alternate: W6WLS repeater alone or W6JWS/2Mtr repeater. This net is intended to further coordination and share news throughout the entire county. Please join in. New Santa Cruz County ARES Web page launched Jan. 8 -– Welcome to the new Santa Cruz County ARES Web page! Please contact us with any corrections, updates, or suggestions. SCC ARES Mailing list started Jan. 6, 2004 -- The Santa Cruz County ARES mailing list has started up. This is the way for emcomm (emergency communications) folks in Santa Cruz County to stay in touch. Contact the mailing list administrator KA6MAL by emailing him at his callsign@k6bj.org to join the list. Central California Hams Respond to Earthquake Dec. 24, 2003 -- Amateur Radio operators aided the American Red Cross in San Luis Obispo County, California, providing radio links between shelters and the ARC San Luis Obispo Chapter office after an earthquake struck Central California on December 22 …. More Santa Cruz County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) home page |